
World Symbolism

This place is famous for the humongous World Flower, The Flower of Llennaea.

Rhesnia is a place full of nooks and crannies. There are many nice places to take in the view and to also explore. This place is beautiful, with cliffs and beautiful landscapes. Within the continent of Rhesnia, there is a type of magic that is rare, and hard to obtain. Plasmahology, or Plasmokinesis. The art and manipulation of plasma-based substances and materials.

Regions and Countries

The Rhesnian Empire

  1. The Rhresnian Empire > A Steampunk Empire. It is most notable for its innovative tech: The Autoreneweable Systematic Hydrolysis Electrochamber Storage (or A.S.H.E.S), which is capable of instantaneous teleportation, renewable source of energy, and also pocket dimension storage. This allows the empire to gather materials and also expidite them to their local suppliers and companies out of their country.

Rhesnian Plains

  1. Rhresnian Plains > This region is home to the most rare animals of the world: Dodosaurians. Otherwise known as Dodo Birds. These birds are fully evolved, with their wingspan as large as a peacock's bushy tail. There are also small towns within this region, mainly for elderly or rest stops for local travelers.

The Country of Llennaea

  1. The Country of Llennaea > most notable and famous for a world attraction, The Llennaea Flower, a humongous giant world symbolism. The flower however, is still a mystery on how it was formed.

Franthorf Island

  1. Franthorf Island > This place is known for its highly advanced prison, Franthorf Prison. It's heavily guarded with a 25-Bit Stemtonian Layers of Encryption, making it really hard to escape. It's damage proof, water proof, and built on Resnijx forged with diamond and bedrock.